Who Invented Chemistry and Where?

Who created chemistry? When did chemistry begin? Who invented modern chemistry? Who is the founder of chemistry? When did chemistry begin It is not uncommon to hear chemistry teachers ask their students these questions. Similarly, it is not uncommon for these students to make arguments on which is the right answer. You may wonder, but […]

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Who Invented Algebra and What Is It?

Who invented algebra? Algebra is one of the compulsory subjects that most high schools teach their students. Algebra is an interesting subject. However, it can get difficult and lead to a brain drain as students wrack their heads to come up with solutions to problems. This can lead to students getting frustrated and even start […]

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Who Invented Geometry and for What?

Who invented geometry? As a student of geometry, “Euclid” is the name that would first pop into your head as the answer to this question. While it is true that Euclid was the one who developed the solid foundation for geometry, there were great contributions from different mathematicians all over the world. Geometry is a branch […]

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Who Invented Calculus? More to Know

Who invented calculus? The argument as to which is the correct answer is one that calculus experts have had for years. Was it Sir Isaac Newton or was it Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz? In this article, you will be learning the origin of calculus and the people behind its invention. So, keep reading. Who Invented Calculus […]

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Who Invented Math Exactly? Useful Facts

Mathematics is one subject that many people fear but cannot help but respect. Everything in the world today requires mathematics from counting to an arrangement to predicting, to mention a few. This is why mathematics is a compulsory subject in junior and senior high schools — because it is in everything people do. So, no […]

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Who Invented School and Why Did They Invent It?

Who invented school and why did they invent it? If you are a high school or a college student reading this, chances are you must have asked this question. Sometimes, it is not because you are curious to know or you were given the assignment to find out. It is usually because you are overwhelmed […]

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